Ryan M

I live in East Java. I know how hard it can be to source good quality american ingredients. Thanksgiving time we can get a kampung turkey, but its no Butterball. After living here for a while, when I come across someone making an effort to make “american” cuisine, I understand the difficulty of making it taste like home. Honestly, who complains except people who haven’t been out of the country long enough to appreciate the effort.

But its not just an effort… They succeed. A Mexican buffet on the roof with fresh salsa and chips… In Bali? Boom done and all that’s needed is a Corona and lime. The owner was even asking us if we thought the beef was too strong. We’re from Texas, we know Mexican and BBQ. He was concerned with the authenticity of the taste. That spoke volumes to me about how much he cares about the diner’s experience.

Anyways, I had the Cuban sandwich, easy to mess up and easy to make great, I loved this one.

All of us had ice-cream… Not gelato, not ice milk flavored with some tropical fruit, real deal ice-cream… Rum raisin, caramel toffee, strawberry (with strawberries, hard to source big ole fat ones from the states)…

Look, if you want some good food, and friendly conversation this place will do it in spades. The cooks are learning and trying some new things, I like that in a place!

Ryan M.